Monday, September 10, 2012

A.P Biology

Since this blog is made for A.P Biology, I should probably talk a little more about it. The topics we will discuss in this class include Ecological Interactions, Evolution, Biochemistry, Cells, Enzymes & Metabolism, Plant & Animal Structure & Function, Heredity, and Molecular Genetics. I am especially looking forward to the animal structure and function because even though I'm not 100% sure I want to be a vet, I am definitely going to work with animals no matter what specific career I choose. One topic I am not looking forward to is Biochemistry because I don't know exactly what to expect. Also, I am taking chemistry the block after A.P Bio, so not knowing much about chemistry makes this topic a little intimidating!


  1. Nicole you should definitely take anatomy if you can fit it into your schedule! And this semester I am interning at Blandford Nature Center and I get to work with the birds, it is so much fun! You should check out about being a volunteer there!

  2. I agree with Rachel that anatomy would be a great fit based upon your interests.
