Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blood's Immune Cells May Replace Faulty Brain Cells

Our immune system can do amazing things. One cell, called a monocyte, travels through our blood to eat foreign cells and promote the healing of tissues. This type of cell is now linked to preventing dysfunctional brain cells by replacing another type of immune cell called microglia. In certain situations, the moncyte cells can enter the brain and help heal the brain cells by replacing the microglia. The replacement of these cells has brought up a great concern and a new question:

Can monocytes be exploited to combat the consequences of Alzhiemer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Eye-Popping Discovery

On the coast of Southern Florida, an giant eyeball that washed ashore was found Wednesday. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comission is left with one question? What does this 'mystery eyeball' belong to?

A spokesperson for the agency says it is about the size of a softball. Her assumption is that the eye belongs to a bigeye thresher shark, who are prominently found in the moderately deep water off the Florida coast.

The eyeball is going to be delivered the a research lab in St. Petersburg to determine who this eyeball came from.

To tie this is to Biology...what do we think the researchers can do to determine the species this colossal eye came from? DNA testing? Comparing closely related species with this size of eye (which could have evolved from each other) Hopefully they will find out! Pretty fascinating discovery that would be impossible to solve without Biology, huh?

Meanwhile, people have made many guesses. Could it be a whale? a giant squid?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homecoming 2012!

This year at Sparta High School, the homecoming theme for each grade was musicals.
In case you didn't know already, we at Sparta High School have a homecoming like no other. Every year it is so much fun! Homecoming week there are dress-up days that the grades compete over. On the Friday of homecoming week, wearing our class colors, we all compete in games such as limbo and the caterpillar.

One of the events, Mock Rock, is also something that sets Sparta Homecoming apart from the rest. We get together as a grade to create a dance routine pertaining to our theme. (ours was Footloose this year) It is so much fun and it gives us a chance to become closer friends as a grade. The Homecoming Dance is really fun too! I think the reason I like it so much is because we all just want to have a good time, so we don't really care what people look like when they dance!

Overall, Sparta Homecoming 2012 was a great and I'm sure next year will be just as fun!